
Monday, May 24, 2021

Landon is SEVEN

 OH my sweet precious BABY boy is 7. Holy cow. This kid has grown so much and it's so hard to believe at times!!! Landon has always been a bigger kid/baby/toddler what have you, always in the 90+ percentile. But this year I finally see it. He is HUGE!!! (he's l.5 inches taller than Lincoln was at 7!!!) He is growing into such a sweet, spunky little person. He is so smart, kind, gentle but has quite the temper on him. 

I've said this for many years and it continues to be true, the way this kid loves me, is the way that every person deserves to feel loved at some point in their lives. It's really actually hard to put into words what this kid does for my soul. Each one of my kids brings me so much joy and in all sorts of different ways. But Landon is just so happy and its infectious. He can almost always find the joy and beauty in every situation. This year has been hard with Covid. And besides trying to get him to do his elearning this past spring he is just such a joy. He will always come up to me and tell me he loves me, he gives me so many hugs and kisses and I just love it.

If I have one complaint, and its really minor in the scheme of things, is that the child will not sleep on his own AT ALL. He STILL comes into my room nightly and most of the time Adam just ends up in his bed with him. (the boys have bunk beds and Linc sleeps on the top bunk {its a twin} and Adam and Lando sleep on the bottom {its a full}) But if one of the other kids need something because they wake up in the middle of the night he almost immediately gets up! I love the snuggles, bc he's getting so big and I know those times will become further and further apart, but this mama doesn't sleep well and I need a good nights sleep every once in a while. But for the most part I try to keep in mind that this time is fleeting but it's been 5 years now that he hasn't slept on his own and I'm just a bit


You my dear child are a gem. I'm not sure what I would do without you. You bring a smile to my face everyday. You bring me joy in my grumpiest moments. You are a bright shining star that I truly feel so grateful to get to witness. You love me and all of your family with your whole heart and its a joy to watch you grow. You still march to your own drum and really don't care what anyone thinks of you. Your confidence is inspiring and I love watching it soar. 

You do have quite a temper on you and can get quite upset when things don't go your way, but the best way to get you out of it is for me to wrap you in the biggest bear hug and you nearly immediately succumb to my hug and start your ever infectious giggle. 

You are still my PICKIEST eater EVER!!! I will say this DRIVES ME NUTS! You really only like chicken, but it has to be with ranch, potatoes in most forms and all the carbs you can get your hands on. You have developed this nasty little habit of sneaking food and I've got to break you of it!! You love your sweets, and your ice cream (clearly you get that from both your parents) but you are trying to start trying new things and one thing you like is sushi of all things! You won't eat tacos but you'll eat sushi....i'll never understand you. 

Landon I love you so much and am so grateful I got chosen to be your mom. You make me so proud! 

Landon you changed my life for the better when you came into this world. God broke the mold when he created you, and he blessed me immeasurably by allowing me to be your mom. It's a joy to know you, love you and watch you grow. I pray you never lose you zest for life, or you love of all people, and Jesus. You are perfect the way you are and I could not possibly love you more! 


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