
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Levi is SEVEN months old

 How are we closer to Levi being one than when he was born? I just can't believe how quickly time is passing!!! This sweet sweet babe!!! He is so perfect, so sweet and just a true joy to be around. It's so hard to imagine that we are closer to his first birthday than we are his birth. I ask this a lot by why can't babies just keep a little longer...I mean it seems like toddlerdom lasts for freaking ever, I wish babies would just keep maybe a year longer or so. They really real you in that first year, making you fall head over heals for them and then 18 months hits and they are a different person. But for now I will relish in my sweet snuggly baby. 

This last month though we celebrated Levi's first Christmas, and got to have some really special moments as a family. I'm just so grateful for this time with him and all of his siblings. They make life so much sweeter and truly give my life a purpose. I just don't know what I would do without them. 

Here are Levi's monthly milestones. 

  • I'm not sure this kid could get any more smiley, but here we are, all you have to do is look at him or say his name and he gives you the biggest and sweetest gummy smile, with his little dimple, I swear I'm in trouble, his smile MELTS ME!
  • We are officially in his crib full time :( I moved him there after I noticed that he was stirring a lot and seemed to be waking up around 6 am in the morning when my alarm would go off, and I inevitably hit snooze one too many times. As soon as I moved him into his quite (minus the sound machine) room he was back to sleeping more soundly
    • He is taking about an hour nap in the morning, and a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. He will occassionaly take an evening nap still--it really depends on whether or not he got a good afternoon nap, on the days that I have to do carpool he doesn't get to sleep long in his bed, so he sometimes falls asleep in the car while we do all the afternoon run around. 
    • I found these sleep sacks to put him in. It was getting so cold in his room and his little toes were frozen by morning. I've never had a baby need a sleep sack but most of my babies were still swaddled at this age, and their old room was much warmer bc we had to keep our house set to a warmer temp bc it was horrible to try and heat. 
  • He is still exclusively breastfed. Maybe once or twice he has shown some interest in table food but its usually when hes starving and once I feed him, he's no longer interested. So we will see what the next month holds. But much like his siblings he seems to be a little later on the eating thing. which I'm totally fine with. 
  • He is *this* close to sitting up. He will sit supported by the boppy pillow for a little bit, and will sit for a few seconds on his own. I really think he will start to sit on his own very very soon. 
  • He is a rolling machine. He will both ways and has even started sleeping on his stomach
  • He is quite the little talker, babbling ALL THE TIME. 
    • I swear he says mama, dada, baba...obviously not with any intention but those are the "words" we hear the most. 
      • the kids say he said mama before dada :) 
  • He is still one that prefers to sit rather than lay when it comes to playing. So once he masters this sitting thing I think we will be smooth sailing
  • He is enjoying his jumper more and more
  • He is in size 3 diapers, I mean really he fits in size 2, but with him sleeping through the night I was worried he would wet himself through his clothes so we just made the official jump to the 3s
  • He is in size 6 month clothes.
    • I swear this is throwing me off. He seems so much smaller than the older boys. I mean they were almost in size 12 month clothes at this age :-/
      • But oh well he is his own person, I just hope he isn't short, lol
  • He still loves all his siblings and really does a great job of being entertained by them
    • He even tolerates Lynlie (most of the time) being constantly in his face, picking him up and trying to entertain him. The look he gives her when she is entertaining him is priceless. This big gummy smile. He really adores her and I love my time with just the two them while the bigs are at school. 
It's been such a great month with him, getting to celebrate his first christmas and do all the Christmas, holiday things. He saw Santa, and rode the Sullivan train, saw the winter lights and just was the ever perfect baby. 

Here are our Monthly Photos

He is becoming very aware of the blocks

And Our weekly Photos...
twenty-seven weeks 12.15.21

twenty-seven weeks 12.15.21

twenty-eight weeks 12.22.21

twenty-eight weeks 12.22.21

Twenty-nine weeks 12.29.21

Twenty-nine weeks 12.29.21

Thirty Weeks 1.5.22

Thirty Weeks 1.5.22
So whenever I get pregnant we buy a first year package with our amazing photographer, we do maternity, NB, 3, 6, 9, 12 month pictures. Well given the holidays and some unforeseen illnessness (FREAKING COVID) and some family issues, our "6" month pictures turned into 7.5 month pictures and they are amazing and I love them so much!!! they were well worth the wait!! 

I know I say it all the time, but Levi truly is a joy and I feel so incredibly blessed to be his mama. He has brought me so much joy!! I just hope time slows down just a little so that we can enjoy him being small just a little longer!