
Monday, May 24, 2021

16 weeks with #6

 Week of January 2nd, 2021

How Far Along? 16 weeks!

Due Date: June 19th 

Total weight gain/loss: So I feel like I should clarify. When I found out I was pregnant I stepped on the scale and I was up 7lbs. With all the puking and fun stuff I lost all of those 7lbs. I now fluctuate up 1-3 lbs from what I was prior to finding out I was pregnant. So I'm not sure what I should count as my pre-pregnancy weight, but I'm considering it my pre boys birthday weight...haha 

Maternity clothes?  no, just yoga pants and sweatshirts for me. Though I feel like I'm really starting to show. But I must say when you're obese like me its hard to tell, but I feel like my organs have shifted upwards and it makes me look pregnant. I really wish I would have worked harder to lose that weight I gained. 

Stretch Marks? no new ones. 

Sleep: it's still about the same, though my RLS is OUT OF CONTROL!!

Best moment this week: only getting sick once or twice!! AND I had my 16 week appointment with Dr. T this week so that was fun!! I always love hearing the heartbeat, baby was a mover and a shaker and she could only get it for a short period of time...but I told her I only get it at home for the same amount so she wasn't concerned!

Movement: I still feel jabs when I'm on my left side at night, so I really do think thats baby moving! So i'm going to count it!! So yes, but only at night when I'm on my left not my right side. 

Food cravings: nothing really

Food aversions: my nausea has been tolerable this week. still sucks but its ok

Gender: I still think boy

Labor Signs: just my traditional braxton hicks contractions but they are pretty rare

Belly Button in or out? still in

What I miss: SLEEP!!!!

What I am looking forward to: again just getting to another week! 

Size of the Baby: 

Baby's now the size of an avocado!
Watch what you say...tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean she can now pick up your voice. A few more minuscule changes: Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.

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