Week of August 15th
How Far Along? 36 weeks
Due Date: September 12, 2017
Total weight gain/loss: I still think about 15.
Gotta kept this under control.
Maternity Clothes? Of course and I love them.
Stretch Marks? Well of course but they are
lighter this time and no new ones.
Sleep? Yeah um no! Still pretty much the
same as the last few months. I rarely get more than an hr or so of sleep which
stinks but I’m trying to remind myself that we are in the home stretch and I
can do anything for a month or less more!
Best Moment of this Week? I’d say it has to be
when we got our maternity pictures done. Since I didn’t get to get any done
with the girls and due to conflicting schedules these were done a little later
than we had originally wanted, so it had me a little worried we wouldn’t fit
them in.
Lincoln also started Kindergarten this week and it was so
tough. He cried, I cried (big ugly cry) but he loves it! Which just warms my
heart, I was so worried he’d hate it and although he is struggling with the
drop off he’s doing great with the actual school part. Plus he’s wanted a few
extra snuggles with me which helps my heart.
Movement? Yes, feeling this baby move is the
highlight of my day! I just love it and I’m really trying to cherish it since
this is most likely our last.
Food cravings? none
Gender? With this nausea, and how crappy I feel all the time, I’m
even more conviced this is a girl because I’ve never felt this crappy with any
of my pregnancies.
Labor Signs? Yes, I’ve had a few painful
contractions and even timed them a few times but nothing seems to be coming of
them. Dr. G. checked me and although the baby’s head is super low I’m only 1
Belly Button In or Out? All in
What I miss? sleep and a pain free pelvis
What I am looking forward to: My Birthday
is this week and although I don’t like making a huge deal out of it, it’s
always nice to feel loved by my family.
Size of the Baby:
Baby's now the size of a honeydew!
Baby's skin is getting smooth and soft, her gums are rigid, her liver and kidneys are in working order, and her circulation and immune system are basically good to go. Her lungs are the only organs that still need to fully mature, but every day she gets a little closer to breathing on her own.
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