
Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's amazing

So Adam FINALLY came home yesterday!!!!! I am sooo happy! The only bad part was that I had to work, so he was home for 3 hours before I ever got there. :( But he will be home for at the very least a couple of days so I'm on cloud nine! :)

Yesterday was quite the day! I had a midterm at 9:30 and I was also scheduled  to work. I was able to get my friend Courtney to cover my shift in the morning so I could take my test and then go in after. The only bad part of this plan was that I was going on a whole 3 hours worth of sleep. The night before I was up til 1 am studying for my midterm(which was over 25 chapters and the class only started 3 weeks ago!) and then I also got up at 4 to continue studying. Of course I fell asleep for a half hour between 6-6:30 and then fed the dogs and all that but overall I felt like I prepared a lot for this exam but still didn't quite know the material. But either way I took the exam and then headed off to work. The exam went ok, could have been better, could have been worse but either way I'm ok with it.

Work was find, nothing new, just exhausing but it was a late night due to a late admission and I didn't get out of the hospital til amost 8:15! Adam and I had planned to go downtown to celebrate my cousin's 25th birthday but I could barely keep my eyes open! The only bad part to even attempting to go out was that I am at work today. So going out would have consisted of like 20 minutes before we turned around to go home because I was flipping tired! Thank heavens Allison was so understanding, but I felt guilty ALL night!
Once I finally got home around 8:45 I changed and spend a whole 30 minutes with my hubby before I was too tired to stay awake any longer! So I was in bed by 9:15 and the last time I looked at the clock it was 9:45. It was the first time in a LONG time I was asleep before the sun went down! Now maybe I was just that tired, but it truly amazes me how much better I sleep with Adam home and lying next to me. When he is gone I toss and turn and just don't sleep much at all! It is so nice having him home and actually getting some adult conversation at night with a human in front of me instead of over the phone!
So Alley I'm sorry I missed coming out with you! I hope you can forgive me and that you had a wonderful time! I feel so guilty missing it!

Well tomorrow is when Miss Lydia get's baptized and I'm so incredably happy for Allison and Matt! This is such an amazing experience and I can hardly wait to get to witness this. I feel so honored to be even the smallest bit a part of it!
well thats all for now! LOVE!

1 comment:

  1. I love the shout out, no worries you are forgiven thanks for coming to Lydia's big day!
