
Friday, August 1, 2014

Lando's 9 months...wayyy late

Well my sweet little boy is officially 9 month old. I once again am late in writing this so I’ll try to keep it to what he had accomplished at that point.

Landon grew so much over the last month, he gained several new skills and continued to warm all of our hearts with his bright big toothy smile. His big blue eyes and huge open mouth grin get me every time! He continues to be such a laid back and easy baby and is developing quite the little personality and temper.

Lincoln and Landon’s relationship has also really grown this month. It’s so fun to see how much they interact together and how concerned Lincoln is with Landon. I truly hope these two are close and remain close for all their lives…and not to mention I hope they stay close to me.—I don’t know why but I keep thinking about the day they are going to leave me, and it truly breaks my heart. I don’t know what I’m going to do when they leave the house, let a lone leave me for another woman ::gasp:: or leave me for another state. Good thing I have many years to prepare for this….

But anyways here are my little guy’s milestones.
  • He has 4 teeth finally. Both top and both bottom
  • He still loves to breast feed, but he will get 1-2 “meals” of solid food too
  • His favorite solids are peaches, bananas and puffs. He’s obsessed with puffs…what is about flavored air??
  • He sleeps like a boy wonder…usually 12-14 hrs at night, sometimes he wakes to nurse in the wee hours of the morning, but mostly goes down at 8-8:30 and will wake to nurse at 8-8:30 and sometimes even go back down for a few more hours
    • He will take a 2-4 hour nap in the afternoon
  • He is up on all 4s and rocks back and forth
  • He hasn’t started crawling yet, but has started to sort of scoot. His whole body will twist in 1 direction and then the other to get what and where he wants
  • He loves to plank. It’s really quite funny!
  • He’s gotten really good at going from a laying to sitting position. Though I’ve rarely seen him do it. It’s quite random when he actually does do it.
  • He has also gone from a sitting position in his crib to pulling up to his knees. He’s only does this a few times, but I’m sure pulling up to a standing position won’t be far behind, and I’ll have to move the crib down…I just hate doing that!
  • He has said mama and dada, but not necessarily to one of us…but he will sort of mimic me. 
    • He loves when I say mama…he gets a huge grin on his face
  • He loves to point to things with his index finger. He is constantly pointing at and putting his index finger in my mouth or my eye or nose.
  • He also loves to grab at my necklaces and earrings.
  • He loves to laugh…everything is funny, especially his brother. He has the best giggle ever!
  • I’ve moved up the settings on his jumperoo and he likes it much better. He will sit and jump in it for a while, but no where near how long he used to.
    • We also have a “walker” that we let him use when we are outside and he seems to like it a lot!
  • He really enjoys bath time and getting to splash around—therefore he loves the pool, I just wish we could go more often!
    • In the bath he loves to roll onto his stomach, something Lincoln would NEVER do, and it makes me a little nervous, I feel like I can't take my eyes off him for a second. And I feel like I'm sitting on pins and needles just waiting for him to dunk his face in the water. 
  • We are at the stage where EVERYTHING goes in his mouth. I’m finding a need to really keep the house spotless so he doesn’t choke on something…good motivation to have a clean house I guess…
  • I love this age because his personality is starting to show through, where we can see his likes and dislikes…
  • He as also started to develop a temper. He gets upset and throws his head back and arches his back…I can’t help but laugh…I  can usually get him to laugh though, and he quickly snaps out of it.

At his doctor appointment
  • He was 28 ½ inches long
  • He was 70% of height
  • He was 22 lbs 2 oz
  • He was 75% for weight

Just for comparison sake…he’s an inch shorter (Lincoln was 29 ½”) and he’s almost 2 lbs heavier than Lincoln! (Lincoln was 20lbs 9oz)

Our photo shoot went rather well :)

Landon is just such a perfect addition to our family…I really can’t express or say it enough…when you have a second baby, you just wonder how your life will change and how different things will be and for me I wondered how challenging going from one to two would be and if the second would be as tough as the first one (Lincoln was colic). I sit there and look at Landon and I just cant imagine getting luckier, he’s the perfect baby. He is so calm and quite and really requires little from us. He is laid back and easy going.

He learned so much this month, and I just love getting to watch him grow and learn new things, but now that he’s getting more and more independent, I’m starting to get that baby fever again…though I do have to say that while I was very anxious to get pregnant after Lincoln, with Landon, I do want a third baby, but I also want to enjoy the two of them right now.

Our life is pretty amazingly perfect…I wouldn’t trade a second of it…well maybe the seconds at work I’d trade for being at home, but maybe someday.

We love you Landon Richard Kalvin!

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